Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Insects and Men

" There is no god in his heaven, so far as man can see. The truth is, Nature is a slaughter house. There are some pleasant sensations, some pleasures, which many would deprive us of, and scattered along the path is trouble and misery, and in the end, tragedy. It is all a nightmare, if you think. The animals have the advantage of us, they do not think, they simply live. " Insects and Men: Instinct and Reason, Clarance S. Darow.

Beatrice d´Este

Leonardo da Vinci 1490

" It´s germinal principle the unfathomable smile, always with a touch of something sinister in it... maybe, in this case, the presentiment of early death." Walter Pater

Sunday, August 28, 2011

chica et chico

Pere Formiguera 2006

Time traveling in a flip book. Kids becoming teens in a few seconds... One thus imagines to see somebody from birth to death...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Right After

Eva Hesse 1969

"Absurdity is the key word" she declared, declining to sentimentalize or romanticize the circumstances of her life, preferring to produce art that pushed at the conventions of abstraction, eroticism and sheer ugliness. The Accidental Masterpiece- Michael Kimmelman.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Christina's World

Andrew Wyeth 1948 The Museum of Modern Art, New York

" Portanto quem quiser idealizar a vida nao deve querer ve-la com demasiada precisao, deve sempre remeter o olhar para uma certa distancia. Desse artificio entendia Goethe, por exemplo." Friedrich Nietzsche

Friday, July 22, 2011


"New works from photographic team BJ and Richeille Formento. Circumstance is a narrative, cinematic body of work that deals with loneliness and isolation. These are unloved people caught in unloved places and unloved relationships."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

ghost town

George Segal, Street Crossing, 1992

George Segal, Rush Hour 1983

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Albert C Barnes put together one of the world´s most fantastic art collections.

"He amassed great Cezannes, Matisses and African Art along with metal knickknacks and folk doodads like door locks and a tiny acorn sculpure in the shape of a cricket. A great Seurat could thereby share real state with Balloon Man, a painting by somebody Dr. Barnes came across named Liz Clark. The museum was only open to plain people, that is men and women who gain their livelihood by daily toil in shops, factories, schools, stores and similar places. The eminent art historian Erwin Panofsky supposedly had to dress up like a chauffeur to sneak in." M. Kimmelman.

Before his death, Barnes decided to move the museum to a small black school, now called Lincoln University. In 2004 the museum was reeconstructed in Philadelphia and it´s now called the Barnes Foundation.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Art of Making a World*

Pierre Bonnard. Le Cabinet de Toilette au Canapé Rose 1908.
*The Accidental Masterpiece on the Art of Life and Vice Versa; Michael Kimmelman.