Albert C Barnes put together one of the world´s most fantastic art collections.
"He amassed great Cezannes, Matisses and African Art along with metal knickknacks and folk doodads like door locks and a tiny acorn sculpure in the shape of a cricket. A great Seurat could thereby share real state with Balloon Man, a painting by somebody Dr. Barnes came across named Liz Clark. The museum was only open to plain people, that is men and women who gain their livelihood by daily toil in shops, factories, schools, stores and similar places. The eminent art historian Erwin Panofsky supposedly had to dress up like a chauffeur to sneak in." M. Kimmelman.
Before his death, Barnes decided to move the museum to a small black school, now called Lincoln University. In 2004 the museum was reeconstructed in Philadelphia and it´s now called the Barnes Foundation.